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Sex Therapy

As a sex therapist, my goal is to support couples in resolving any relationship or sexual difficulties that are coming up in their partnership.

Some common themes that I've seen in my office include lack of sexual desire, physical pain with sex, vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, differences in desire amongst the coupleship, challenges with intimacy and orgasm, as well as communication difficulties in the coupleship.

Entering therapy for any sexual challenges can be a vulnerable experience for both individuals and couples. It requires courage and a level of intimacy to understand the true nature of what's happening within. Sex has many layers, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Sexual challenges can also be very difficult to talk about and this is something that I acknowledge.

My hope with individuals and couples that are seeking sex therapy is to support in experiencing more freedom internally and externally; identifying core values and boundaries surrounding sex, as well as removing any barriers to sexual challenges. Ultimately, sex therapy's purpose is to help in having a more pleasurable sexual life, and a satisfying relationship with your partner(s).

I see both same sex and heterosexual couples. I also provide individual sex therapy counseling.

If you'd like to take the first steps to start feeling better, please contact me today for an appointment.