Positive Daily Habits If You're Highly Anxious

If you're someone who experiences anxiety frequently and very powerful anxiety, it's important to implement helpful anxiety management daily hacks. Unfortunately, anxiety is not something that goes away on its own. We must first understand what could be the cause or the trigger to anxiety. We must also do our best to focus on what we can do to help manage it. Getting rid of anxiety is not always necessarily the goal. Having some anxiety is actually healthy because it can be a helpful reminder for us to pay attention to certain things that have been ignored. Here are a few daily hacks to help improve the intensity of anxiety.

1. Have a daily routine

I can't actually stress this one enough. When we don't have a set routine or schedule, it can feel like you're moving throughout the day without purpose or moving through it chaotically. It actually soothes the nervous system knowing that when we wake up, we have breakfast to look forward to, or a set timeframe that we have to get ready for work, etc. Having routines help us create more focus throughout the day, helps to add predictability throughout the day, and also helps us to feel more organized throughout the day. This is all incredibly important in managing anxiety.

2. Breathe

Literally, breathe. Take the time to observe your breath. Slowing our breath down, and mindfully observing our breath actually rewires our brain and soothes our nervous system. Slowing our breath down and noticing any thoughts coming in or out can also be helpful in managing our emotions and managing our triggers. It doesn't matter if we do this for 5 minutes, or 45 minutes. It just matters that we try, and make some time for it, and remain as consistent as possible.

3. Heal Your Anxiety Through the Body

According to trauma expert Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of "The Body Keeps the Score," trauma and anxiety live in our bodies as well as our minds. It's important that we find at least one form of physical outlet for the intense emotions associated with intense anxiety. I personally love dance cardio, hiking, bike riding, and running while listening to empowering music. Do something that you're passionate about and love to do. Don't force your body into activities that you're not comfortable with or exhaust yourself. Using physical exercise as an outlet should be an act of self-care, not self-destruction.

4. Channel Your Pain into Something Meaningful

I am a firm believer in making meaning following distressing or traumatic experiences. There's power in channeling our pain into something creative. It allows us to re-integrate into the world versus self-destruct. Whether it's writing, painting, drawing, making music, doing arts and crafts - it's important to release the pain in alternative ways that engage both our mind and body. When we create something, we can also have the option of sharing our art with the world - whether it's a beautiful painting or a book, harnessing our pain into creativity can be a life-changing experience - both for ourselves and for others.

5. Seek out Help & Support

Contrary to popular opinion, asking for help does not make you weak or powerless. It is in fact, a strong recognition of your own power to be able to seek help and be open to receiving it. Sharing your story with others can be incredibly healing and cathartic. When we hold our emotions and challenges inside, unfortunately, the intensity of those feelings only grow and shame begins to develop. It's when we begin sharing in a safe space, that shame and intensity of feelings decreases. If you are struggling with the effects of anxiety, I highly recommend finding a validating mental health professional who specializes in this and understands its symptoms. Having the support of a mental health professional throughout the process can ensure that you are able to address your triggers to anxiety in a safe space. If you or someone you know is interested in beginning therapy to address anxiety, click here for more information.